My daughter has been training with SOAP for about a year now, and has grown so much as a player and a teammate.
We've done almost every camp and clinic offered throughout the year, and she loves every minute.
This past winter, she was lucky enough to be selected to be part of their Girls' Winter Select Team. The growth and development that happened in such a short time is extraordinary.
Coach Tardy brings so much excitement, and fun to the trainings, which helps him connect so well with the players. There is nothing more that my daughter wants to do than to shoot penalty shots on Coach Tardy. Why? Because he makes her work for it, and that's what makes her work harder to hone her skill. No easy goals, every goal is hard earned!
Coach Joe has such a kind, warm approach with the kids, especially the younger ones. The first time my daughter trained with SOAP, she was one of the youngest kids there, Coach Joe did everything possible to help her be comfortable, and modified the most advanced drills to help her be successful. He is so patient, and will guide players with just enough support to help them.
I don't even know where to begin with Coach Cuba. He has the most calm demeanor, so attentive, and purposeful in his instruction and his feedback, never making a player feel bad about making a mistake - "try another rep", is always the answer, and when they get it, he never misses a chance to give specific, authentic praise, and positive reinforcement, driving players to not want to give up, and work hard to reach whatever goal they set. His approach to coaching is a perfect balance of hard work and fun.
These coaches serve as amazing role models for their players, they are all talk, and ALL action. They never miss a chance to get in and play with the kids, modeling technical skill, communication, and tactical approaches seamlessly.
My daughter has grown exponentially as a player since beginning her training with SOAP. As a mom who has traveled to countless places in Jersey, looking for training that would challenge and develop my daughter, the thought that FINALLY "Jersey quality" training is available locally is such a win. Not gonna lie... I've learned a TON about soccer just by watching and listening.
The training, along with the friendships that have developed over the course of the season, has been amazing. She is working so hard daily to reinforce what she's learning, because remaining part of the SOAP family is so important to her. That alone speaks volumes. ❤️⚽️🖤